'I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.'
Sabrina came by the house this morning for our bi-weekly visit/meeting. This one was packed with pertinent information. The most important being that we have an ISP scheduled! It's set for August 30th, which you may remember is also the date of our family court hearing. Sabrina is 99% certain that the Judge will keep Princess Petunia in our home, at least through October. Obviously, Mom will not be happy during our ISP having just learned that her children won't be coming home, at least not on that day. It's tough for me to feel any sympathy for Mom though because while she has had her packet of requirements for reunification, she has not yet met any of them. That is unfathomable to me. I simply cannot imagine having the list of things that I needed to do in order to get my children back home and not working like crazy to get it all accomplished. I need to stop before I say something that I'll need to repent of later. ;)
Moving on, since we now know that PP will most likely be with us for at least another 3 months, we're going to work on getting her involved in some extra-curricular activities....gymnastics most likely. She has been enthralled with the women's & men's olympic gymnastic competitions. She certainly has the energy and fearlessness necessary!
Being here another 3 months also means that she'll be celebrating her birthday here with us, which is another sweet and sad thing. We'll have to throw a big ole party!
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